Category: Quick Tips

25 Lessons In My First 25 Years

Today I turn 25. It hurts to even type that but here I am alive and happy. This post is all about my inner thoughts. Nothing here is SEO (search engine optimization) friendly, the spelling and grammar will suck, there is no keyword research involved and frankly, I don’t think many people will read it.…
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Is Chase a Good Bank? 5 Reasons It’s My Favorite

Having a good reliable bank is one of the key things you need to do to make your financial life easier. In my book, Young, Dumb, and NOT Broke?! I wrote about how setting up your accounts was one of the three pillars to financial success. One of the problems people constantly express to me…
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How Trump’s Tax Plan Affected Me – Did It Lower My Refund?

In 2017, President Donald Trump signed a major overhaul to our tax system. This new system promised to help the average American pay less in taxes and keep their hard earned money. To be honest, I didn’t really know how Trump’s tax plan would affect me until now. My taxes have been filed and I…
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12 Examples Of Dumb Financial Tweets

This morning I wanted to run an experiment and take to Twitter to see what was happening on this beautiful Sunday morning. If you didn’t know you can search certain terms and see who is tweeting about what. Usually, this is done by picking a certain hashtag but it’s also possible to just type in…
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How To Be More Productive And Motivated After Work

We’ve all been there, you come home from work with a million things to do and all you can think about is laying down on the couch and watching the next episode in your favorite Netflix series. You wish you could be more productive and motivated after work, but you know that you can just…
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10 Airbnb Tips and Ideas for New Hosts – You Must Do These!

Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below and I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post. You’ve decided you want to make some extra cash each month by being an Airbnb host but you don’t know where to start. The market has become over-saturated with everyone and their mother renting out…
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How To Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck When You’re Young

When I wrote Young, Dumb, and NOT Broke?!, one of the main reasons was to help people stop living paycheck to paycheck while you’re young. I had grown frustrated with seeing people that were making good money and not being able to afford something relatively inexpensive like Taco Bell. News flash; I’m still frustrated. While…
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Why You NEED To Add The Chase Sapphire Preferred To Your Wallet

Most people think that having one credit card is unnecessary so when I suggest people have two, their heads explode. Yes, I think you should have at least two. In fact, I have six now and sometime this spring I’ll add my seventh. A little ridiculous? Maybe. Worth it? Absolutely. Later I’ll explain why you…
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The Top 5 Financial Phone Apps To Help You Manage Your Money

It’s time to stopping using pen and paper to manage our money and pick up something we already have at our fingertips, our phone. No longer do we need to hope our math is correct or spend hours calculating our financials, which that just plain bores us. So what are the top financial phone apps…
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Young, Dumb, AND Not Broke?! Business Goals – 2019

Happy New Year! 2019 has officially started and I have a whole lot of plans. Last week I outlined to you how I like to approach setting and reaching my goals. Since I’ve tried to be as transparent as possible since day 1 I want to let you know what my plans are for YD&NB…
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