Category: Financial Basics

3 Thoughts On The $1,200 Stimulus Check (Economic Impact Payments)

I’m a little late to the party with this post on the 2020 stimulus checks as some of you have already received yours. But I keep getting asked questions so I’d like to try to answer some of them. Before I answer those questions, let’s just set the stage here. Imagine you are trying to…
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Where My Money Is Invested – Is Now The Time To Buy?

A lot has been changing in our world recently but today let’s talk about the market specifically and answer the question: “is now the time to buy?”. This is not my favorite question by far. Why? Well, it most likely means that you haven’t been buying already. I’m not talking about the last couple of…
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Are You Losing Money In A Savings Account? – A Quick Guide

Savings accounts have been around for as long as there have been banks. Some people believe they aren’t worth it because they actually lose you money. How is this possible and does this mean you shouldn’t use a savings account? Are you losing money in a savings account? In short, yes you most likely are.…
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Money Coach vs. Financial Advisor: What’s The Difference?

Picture this. You want to start taking your money seriously and don’t know where to start so you decide to hire someone to help. In this situation you have two options; hire a money coach or hire a financial advisor. I suppose you could ask that distant, eccentric uncle who stashes their money under the…
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3 Ways To Track Your Expenses To Build Wealth – How I Spent $50,000 Last Year

If you want to become better at managing your money and ultimately put more of it in your pocket, then you need to learn to manage your expenses. All too often people want to jump ahead in their financial journey and wonder why they aren’t building their wealth. The reason? They haven’t mastered the basics…
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I Missed A Credit Card Payment Now What? – Tiller Money Saved Me!

My worst fear happened this month. I missed a credit card payment. Yes, as someone who tells you to follow the golden rule of credit cards, I know that I messed up. I didn’t follow my own rule but don’t write me off yet. I didn’t do it on purpose so allow me to explain.…
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Whole Life Insurance – 5 Reasons I’ll Never Buy It

If you’ve been following YD&NB from the beginning then you will know that my most controversial articles have been about life insurance and whether it is a scam or not. That post received quite a bit of backlash but it also got people asking questions. Why will I never buy whole life insurance? In short,…
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Tiller Money – The Best App To Manage Your Money?

I have been searching for the best app to manage my money and I think I finally found it in Tiller Money. I’ve tried Mint, Personal Capital, You Need A Budget, the list goes on and on but they have all had their drawbacks. I’ve only been using Tiller for 30 days and I can…
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Online, High Yield Savings Account and Banking – Pros and Cons

Over the last couple of years, more and more online savings accounts have been popping up. These used to be something people had never seen before and the benefits they offered people were great, almost too great. With these benefits came obvious criticism. How can they offer such high-interest rates? I don’t trust my money…
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10 Things Every 18 Year Old Should Know About Money

When you are 18 years old, there are only a couple of things on your mind and that probably doesn’t include money. I was there, in your shoes and my only concern was what I was doing after high school and girls. If I could go back, there are a couple of things I would…
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