Author: Shelby Grosch

What To Pack For Backpacking in Europe Alone – A 5 Minute Guide

Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below and I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post. You’ve finally booked your dream trip of backpacking in Europe and it’s coming up quick. You are like most people (myself included) and put off packing until the last minute but it’s time to finally…
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How Much Does It Cost To Backpack Europe Alone?

Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below and I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post. Recently, I took the opportunity to go on a trip that I had been thinking about for almost five years now. I had always wanted to travel across the pond and backpack Europe alone but…
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How Much Money Do You Make Self Publishing On Amazon? (My Actual Numbers!)

Writing a book has been one of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever done. I know I’ve impacted people and set them on a better path financially and that’s all I wanted. One question that always seems to come up is how much do you make self-publishing on Amazon? This question is a lot more…
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Why You Should Start A Business From Home Today

Congratulations! Yes, you reading this. You may not know this but if you’re reading this, then that means you are alive during the easiest time in the world to start a business from home. The number of opportunities we have at our fingertips today is limitless. In fact, you are using the most powerful tool…
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First Time Using A Hostel? Here’s What You Should Expect

Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below and I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post. If you’re an American and you’ve never traveled outside the country, then chances are high that you’ve never used a hostel. I just recently had this experience for the first time when traveling to Europe…
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Secure Financial Independence By Raising Your Residual Income

Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below and I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post. The goal of financial independence is one that many share and there are many ways to get there. One common theme is to secure financial independence by raising your residual income. This is one that…
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11 Tips To Make Relocating For A New Job Easy (Free Guide)

You aced the interview and got a new job. But now you have to relocate yourself halfway across the country. Relocating for a new job is a big life event, but you can minimize the stress and don’t have to break the bank. Right after college, I got a job offer for a full-time job…
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5 Easy Ways to Stack Up Cash Back Rewards While Spending

Credit cards tend to have a bad reputation these days thanks to skyrocketing levels of consumer debt. Anyone who has had credit card debt knows how crippling it can be. However, credit cards do have a good side to them if they are used in a responsible manner! Reward programs are the one major benefit…
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Is Real Estate The Best Form Of Passive Income? – Answered Simply

At the end of every month, my phone goes off with the sound of tenants paying rent. It’s a beautiful sound that sends endorphins flowing through my body as I know I’ve just made some income. To me, this is passive income but is real estate the best form of passive income? Is real estate…
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7 Things You Need To Do Before You Self Publish On Amazon

After years and years of perfecting your particular craft, you want to share it with the world and teach others. You decide you want to write a book, or at least you think you do. Just one problem. How’s an average person like you going to do that? The answer is to self publish on…
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