2018 YD&NB Scholarship

Welcome to the 2018 YD&NB Scholarship application.

These scholarhsips are a chance for me to give back to the people who support me. Here’s what you’ll win if you are picked:

1) $250 scholarship applied directly to your spring tuition.
2) Dinner with the other recipient, my team members, and I. 
3) A copy of my book, Young, Dumb, and NOT Broke?!

Now that you now what’s up for grabs here’s how you enter:

1) Be enrolled in some sort of post high school education.  (College, Technical School, etc.)
2) Join my newsletter, this will automatically happen when you submit below.
3) Share your favorite YD&NB article on your personal social media account and tag me. You must put the reason why you enjoyed it when you share it. Just posting a link is not suffiecent.
4) Follow me on at least one of the accounts below:
5) Fill out the application below, all sections must be filled out to be eligible.

That’s it! A winner will be picked right before Christmas and announced on social media.

[contact-form-7 id="695" title="YD&NB Scholarship Form"]

Thanks for applying!

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